Monday, August 1, 2011

A Day in the Life of...

Anaid Designs
Hello, dear readers! I am thrilled to share this favorite shop with all of you! Diana is the shop owner of Anaid Designs and it is such a lovely shop! Her wearables and home decor creations are designed with great care and are as beautiful as the people and rooms they will adorn.
Let's take a peek at A Day In the Life of Anaid Designs...

The Eleanor Scarf with Wooden Buttons

Tell us a bit about yourself and your shop.
My name is Diana and I was a graphic designer in my past (and sometimes present) life. Anaid Designs was started as a creative outlet for me as a stay at home mom. I love to knit and crochet - especially wearables. When I got to the point that I had way, way too many wearables for any one person, I stumbled upon Etsy! Within a month I had Anaid Designs up and running on Etsy and getting my first sales. It was so exciting! Now that I am becoming a bit established, I am focusing on improving all things Anaid. Right now I am working on getting labels for the product, new design/logo ideas for a fresh feel, updated packaging, and of course the 2011 fall line of wearables! I really feel that my shop is ever evolving. Nothing is ever good enough as they say. I enjoy continually trying to out-do myself!

Bohemian Wrap

How did you discover Etsy?
I was ‘researching’ (surfing the net) new fashion trends one lazy Sunday afternoon. And I came across a listing from an Etsy shop. It was a gorgeous scarf so of course I clicked through. And after somewhere around 2 hours of intently browsing through Etsy, I had the thought. The one that we Etsiers all have. “If they can do it, why can’t I??”
And so I did!

Snow Baby Cowl PATTERN

Blog: In Progress for this Fall!

The Organic Cowl
Do you have any other information you would like to share?
Right now I have a 10% off code for anyone who likes me on Facebook!!! AND if you get one of YOUR friends to like me then you’ll get an ADDITIONAL 5% off code! :)

Sunshine Smile Clutchie Baby Blanket

What do you like to do in your spare time?
As a mother of two small children, I have very little spare time for just me. Usually my spare time is after they go to bed about 8 pm. And that is when I do 90% of my Anaid Designs work. However, in the rare quiet moments, I am an avid reader and have many bookshelves stuffed to overflowing! My husband wants to get me an e-reader in order to streamline the bookshelves...but I refuse to lose my actual books! I also enjoy cooking as does my husband. We tend to have very elaborate dinners on the weekends when we are stretching our cooking muscles. All other activities are focused on the children and we love going to the beach, the park, and generally being, well, children!
And yes, I join right in with them!
The Bay Street Scarf - Men's Luxury Line - Baby Llama

 Describe a typical day for Anaid Designs.
First thing in the morning usually about 7 am, with my baby girl on my hip, I update Etsy (which stays up on my computer 24-7) to see if there are any new orders or convo’s that need my attention. After dealing with any of these then I move on with my day as mommy and getting breakfast for the kiddos. Any orders to be shipped that day will be packaged in the morning and taken to the post office before lunchtime. Then back into mom mode for lunch and naptime. The rest of the evening is family time until the children are in bed around 8 pm. Then my husband and I are relaxing, usually watching tv or a movie, and I work away on my new sales, or designing product until usually around 11 pm or midnight.
The Perfect Scarf

Where do you find inspiration?
My main source of inspiration is based on my wants and needs. Is that selfish? Seriously though, I try to design items that serve a purpose that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. And they are items that I want to wear! So my first question on a design is always, do I need it, do I want it, is it easy to wear? I guess that’s three questions! Other inspiration comes from the fashion industry as to the styles of clothing, hats, etc. I like to see the new looks coming out in clothing and think ‘oh this type of cowl would look great with that outfit’. And that gives me the new design idea.
Crochet Round Rug - Extra Large Size

Describe your creative process?
When I get my initial idea, I sketch it down in my little notebook that is always around. To some extent I work out the stitching, etc on that sketch. But it’s just a rough draft. Next I pick the yarn that I think will work with that design the best. Hopefully I have some on hand, because I am always ready to immediately set to work on it. I hate it when I have to wait until I get to buy yarn! As I sit down to begin the physical production I choose hook or needle size and get to work. Counting, measuring, trying on as I go! Usually the design particulars change quite a bit from the original sketch as I am working. I see that certain stitch patterns will look more exciting, or that certain sizing changes will make it a more wearable garment, ,etc. By the end of that first item I usually have THE finished product that will be listed in my store.
The Face Flower Spa Exfoliating Pad - Trio Pack

What is your favorite thing about running your own business?

Really the question is what don’t I like? I love everything about running my own business! First and most importantly, it allows me to be at home with my children which is the greatest gift to me. Also I am a very hard worker but on my own terms. I really hate being stuck in an office until 5 pm regardless of when the work was done! As my own boss, I get to work when it’s needed and play when I can! I also enjoy incorporating my work tasks in with my daily tasks. Throughout the day my ‘to do list’ is both personal and work all together. I don’t differentiate between the two so it all flows pretty seamlessly. Honestly I don’t normally feel like I’m ‘working’ because I would be crocheting or knitting for pleasure anyway! It’s truly a win-win situation for me and I could not be more contented! I’m so grateful!
Button It Up

Where can potential buyers find you?
Shop link:

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